Hullo. Please Click Here to leave me a new message. Please see my user page for more information about me.
- To messages left on my talk page, i respond on my talk page. If you are responding to a conversation I started on your talkpage, please respond there - rest assured I have bookmarked your page and won't miss your responses.
- You can write to me in any of the languages mentioned on my userpage. Usually I'll answer in English, unless you write in Swedish, then I'll use Swedish myself.
- My current time is 15:25 — please have that in mind if leaving time-sensitive comments.
- All messages on my talk page are archived once the page gets uncomfortably large.
- Please do not remove/revert things here, as I like to archive everything.
*sv, en-5, de-2, es-2, no-2, da-2, fr-1, ja-0