If you have come here to post a long, profane rant about either me or some aspect of Wikipedia, I have no objections, as I think it's helpful to vent sometimes. I ask that you only 1. refrain from making personal attacks about other editors (besides me) and 2. avoid posting anything that might be construed as outing. Other than that, you may freely tell me that some guideline is a "fucking pain in the goddamned ass", or that my work was "a fucking pile of goddamn shit" as long as you have a reason why you think so- personal attacks don't bother me if they are made discussing a legitimate issue. I have no aversion to swearing myself, so don't post anything about me (or anything else, for that matter) that you wouldn't want to hear me say about you (obviously, warnings and the like are exempt from this). I will use your posts as the threshold for any particular conversation- if you ask me to tone down my language, I also have no objections. |