Characters in Millennium, a crime-thriller television series which was broadcast from 1996 to 1999, include Frank Black, an offender profiler for the Millennium Group (a private investigative organisation). Black, played by Lance Henriksen, retires from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to move his wife Catherine (Megan Gallagher) and daughter Jordan (Brittany Tiplady) to Seattle, where he begins consulting on criminal cases for the group. After the group's attempt to cause an apocalyptic viral outbreak kills his wife, Black returns to the FBI to work with new partner Emma Hollis (Scott) to discredit the group. Black was one of the first elements conceived for the series, the remainder of which were fleshed out by screenwriter Chris Carter around his character. Black has been described by a producer as Millennium's constant, as the series' tone and direction changed around him with each successive season. Except for Frank Black, the series' characters have been criticized as one-dimensional, "generic" and little more than "symbol[s]". (Full list...)