Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG, FWB: GGQ1) is mænigrīċeliċ folcliċ weolcantellende, and ȝenettsōcn werod. Google hieldt and fulfieldt mænig genett wara, and ēaca þurh hiera AdWords waracȳþþefandunge begiett. Larry Page and Sergey Brin onstealdon þæt werod hwīl bestandende Stanford University swā Ph.D. leornungcnihtas. Hiera hēafodstōw is in Mountain View, California.
Google hæfþ mā þonne ān million "server" þegntelleras ymbe þǣre worulde, and wyrcþ mā þonne ān billion sōcna āscunga and twentig petabytes brūcendgemacodum cȳþþe ǣlċ dæȝ. Googles swiftu weaxnes siþþan hiera onstellende gemagode fela wara, strēon and fēolagan ȝeond þǣre heortan þæs werodes sōcnsearu. Þæt werod offraþ onlīn wæstmbærnes hnescwaru, swelċe his Gmail e-mail hnescwaru, and geþēodliċ nettwyrcendu tōl, beinnaþ Orkut and, mā nīwes, Google Buzz. Googles wara beinnaþ ēac þā desktop, mid tōl swelċe se webbscēawere Google Chrome.